Assessment Report of the Biophysical, Ecological and Socio-Economic Conditions of Mangroves Ecosystem of Timor-Leste

Assessment Report of the Biophysical, Ecological and Socio-Economic Conditions of Mangroves Ecosystem of Timor-Leste
January 19, 2018
This report is describing the area, distribution, and biophysical condition of mangroves in Timor-Leste. The report also provides information about some socio-economic aspect of the ecosystem, particularly the livelihoods and perception of communities on mangroves also included in the report.
The aim of this report is to help the efforts for mangrove restoration in Timor-Leste, particularly by providing the current biophysical state of mangroves in the country that could be used to design the area, target species, and methods of restoration.
The report is contracted by UNDP and MAF and prepared by Mr. Muhammad ILMAN, 2017. The Copyright of the report is the property of UNDP and National Directorate of Forestry, Coffee and Industrial Plants, MAF, Timor Leste.